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Supporting Students

Universities closing early meant that the Christian Unions had to think 

Forum London is an annual conference where UCCF staff and Relay workers train the next leaders of the Christian Unions in the UK universities. The 2019 Forum London was attended by just under 100 staff and students. I was responsible for training eight  future Publicity Officers - students in their Christian Union Committees delegated with the task to update their CU Social Media and create and print digital marketing designs

Relay Workers are also a point of call when university campuses were needing speakers for Christian Union (CU) meetings, fellowship, or evangelistic event talks. Personally, I was requested by the CU in City university to give a talk on Relationships - to challenge them to specifically and intentionally invest in their relationships with non-Christian friends to bring them closer to Christ.

Regular CU meetings during lockdown in London Unis seemed to turn their focus to

methods of evangelising whilst in quarantine. Here is a talk I was asked to give to Guildhall CU students,

based on the Jesus' parables in Matthew describing the Kingdom of Heaven

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